Sunday, August 8, 2010

linens 'n other things


As I am writing this on Sunday night, I am anxious for the busy week ahead, but also happy thinking of the nice weekend I just had with my sisters, niece and nephew and the rest of the family.  Plus, we started a new family ritual this past Saturday morning.  Bright and early...oh, 6:30am when Jackson wakes...we grabbed some coffee and set off to the playground.  The streets were quiet before everyone woke up.  It was just me, Jeff, and Jackson.  It was...Perfect.  Here he is with daddy's hat on, smiling for the camara... 

I also wanted to let everyone know about this fantastic shop called Pip-Squeak Chapeau, Etc that I came upon on a stroll in the neighborhood with my family a few months ago.  The shop owner makes her collection in Brooklyn of clothing (for adults and kids), and linens from 100% natural yarns and fabrics.  The style is so elegant and simple. I dream of having a closet chock full of these one day.   I did come away with a couple of her linens,  though, for our kitchen - check them out!

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