Friday, January 14, 2011

notecards and lists

I have to say when I saw these these notecards from Screech Owl Design I had a chuckle to myself.  I love the humor in each one of them.  I've decided for 2011 I'd like to get better at sending handwritten notes...thank-you, happy birthday, holiday, and even the "just because" kind of notes.  Perhaps a box set of these would get me started on the right foot:).

Why is that each day I find a few more New Years resolutions to add to my list? Here are a couple more:

*Play the radio...all the time (even on the weekends).  I love the radio.  There are some really great programs that I miss when Saturday rolls around.  I love the idea of walking into a house and the radio is  quietly whispering in the background.
*Make more with my hands.  By this, I mean more baking and cooking, but also knitting that scarf I've been thinking of for awhile, and sewing (though I admit that a sewing machine would help)...I admire all those that create with their hands and want to share in that creativity this new year.
*Learn to tell stories.  For those that know me, this is not an easy one;)  But I read this and it really makes me want to give it a go.

Do you guys have any resolutions this year?

...have a happy weekend everyone!

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