Friday, January 14, 2011

notecards and lists

I have to say when I saw these these notecards from Screech Owl Design I had a chuckle to myself.  I love the humor in each one of them.  I've decided for 2011 I'd like to get better at sending handwritten notes...thank-you, happy birthday, holiday, and even the "just because" kind of notes.  Perhaps a box set of these would get me started on the right foot:).

Why is that each day I find a few more New Years resolutions to add to my list? Here are a couple more:

*Play the radio...all the time (even on the weekends).  I love the radio.  There are some really great programs that I miss when Saturday rolls around.  I love the idea of walking into a house and the radio is  quietly whispering in the background.
*Make more with my hands.  By this, I mean more baking and cooking, but also knitting that scarf I've been thinking of for awhile, and sewing (though I admit that a sewing machine would help)...I admire all those that create with their hands and want to share in that creativity this new year.
*Learn to tell stories.  For those that know me, this is not an easy one;)  But I read this and it really makes me want to give it a go.

Do you guys have any resolutions this year?

...have a happy weekend everyone!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

from Brooklyn to Paris

Found this sweet book today for one of my momma friends who is moving with her family at the end of the month to France.  The book follows this little sparrow, Emma, who leaves her friends and family behind in New York City and flies to Paris.  It is filled with colorful photo spreads of favorite spots throughout the city (like the Brooklyn Bridge and Orchard Street on the Lower East Side) with illustrations of Emma and the friends she meets along the way.  I had to read it again before I wrapped it up.  Plan on giving it to her tomorrow when we see her for a playdate.  Can't wait!

And, here is a shot of my little man running around the apartment yesterday. That face pretty much rules our weekends...;)

P.S. We must be the last people on earth to sign up on Skype and we had our first call from my sister tonight. It was soooo cool!  I'm hooked.

...hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Friday, January 7, 2011

snow days

It's snowing again here in NYC today!  It's really coming down; the kind of snow fall with those really big snowflakes.  Here is a shot of Jackson after a sleigh ride on New Year's Eve - just one of many sleigh rides this winter I'm sure.  Much to his daddy's delight, he can't get enough of the snow! 

During these snow days, when we might not get outside to explore or play with his buddies, keeping Jackson occupied can sometimes be a challenge.  NYC apartments almost never allow for enough running room it seems.  Thank goodness Christmas has just ended and we have all those new books to read and toys to play with and explore!  

Monday, January 3, 2011

the little things

I'm back!  I took a little hiatus for the holidays (aka totally slacked and couldn't bring myself to think about anything else but "maximizing" the rest of our Christmas...!)  

Today I came upon this fun collection of 50 snowglobes via Anthology.  The LA Times runs a column of various collections of 50 of just about anything from classic movie kisses to poker chips to vintage beer cans to snowglobes.  The snowglobes were the funnest to peruse.  Mostly because my adorable nephew had his own list going.  His favorite gift this Christmas of all the stacks of presents he received?  A tiny snowglobe from grandma and grandpa. 

I think he just gave me my first new year's resolution, one which I am getting better at but have to remind myself every now and again.  To relax, breathe, and treasure the little things in life.   

Happy New Year Everyone!