I have been on a hiatus. This much I know. My husband joked with me the other night about my very brief stint in the blogosphere. I couldn't really tell him with any confidence why I have just dropped off, but alas, it just happened...I felt uninspired and just uninspiring. And, maybe a little tired with the lack of sleep and the ever-present juggle of work and family.
But, after we came back from a much-needed vacation to the country-side in Ireland, I guess I started to kind of miss it. Could that be? It's like that guy - that guy that tells his whole life story to the person he hardly knows in the seat next to him on the airplane (whether the seatmate likes it or not...;)). I'm not sure who even reads this (besides my wonderful sister and my husband;)). But I guess there is comfort about writing here. In this space. Into the great wide open.
So that's it, I'm back.
For now.